Another Year Helping Local Families In Need
Another great year partnering with Safe & Sound, a local organization, helping families in need around the holidays! We helped distribute brand new toys, books and clothing to hundreds of families.
2016 Safe & Sound Holiday Toy Store
Another great year in the books! This year Safe & Sound, with the help of donors and volunteers, was able to distribute brand new toys, books and clothing to 205 families in need.
AIDS Lifecycle; Ride to Cure AIDS
Socher Insurance is proud to support our friend Kelvin Nanney and his monumental journey to ride his bike 545 miles. His trek comes with many challenges but the result will help support the life-saving services offered by San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Los...
Vallemar PTO
Vallemar PTO While she isn’t coordinating our own Agency events, Charlotte Allen, Director of Marketing, works tirelessly as President of her children’s Parent Teacher Organization. She has focused her fundraising expertise to create and execute community...
2015 Safe & Sound Toy Store
Safe & SoundFor more than three decades, Safe & Sound has served as a beacon in the community for children and families in need. They are dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect, the promotion of healthy families and the mental health of...
Mini Mermaid Running Club (MMRC)
Mini Mermaid Running Club (MMRC) Charlotte Allen also coached an all girls running club last Fall through Mini Mermaid Running Club (MMRC), a unique organization serving elementary and middle school-aged girls. Their focus is to teach girls that the finish line...
Glide Memorial Church
Glide Memorial Church Each year, several groups make the early morning journey to Glide Memorial Church where we serve hot meals to hundreds of hungry people. Prep work for breakfast begins at 7 am. While some serve, and others clean, cook and greet, we all walk away...
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous not only to the individual, and their family, but also to the community. Cecilia Garza believes in this motto and makes time to volunteer whether it be in a...
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Many of you probably remember the popular ALS Ice Bucket Challenge circulating the internet. Socher Insurance put our own spin on the challenge and instead of encouraging employees to take the ice over donating money, we implemented a...
The San Francisco Suicide Prevention Center
The San Francisco Suicide Prevention Center Marnelli “Nelli” Del Castillo has volunteered her time to several organizations she holds dear. Nelli tells us “While some people are naturally outgoing, I am quite shy and have a hard time meeting new people....